To install Movie Cleaner, simply drag the program icon to your hard-drive. You should also put the Indeo extension in the Extensions folder within your System Folder. This will allow you create Indeo compressed movies. If you want to create IMA compressed audio soundtracks, you need to have Sound Manager 3.2 in your Extensions folder (in the System folder). Sound Manager 3.2. is included on the program disk for your convenience.
The first time you run Movie Cleaner Pro, it will ask you to personalize your copy. Please type in your serial number.
Don't forget to send in your registration card - registered users receive free technical support.
What should you do next?
The next steps you take are dependent on a few factors, the most important of which is your level of experience with desktop video processing.
If you have little experience: If you have little or no experience with desktop video processing, you should begin with Chapter 5 - The Beginning User . This chapter explains how the Movie Expert will walk you through the configuration process and get you started compressing your movies.
If you have some experience: If you have some experience with desktop video processing, but would not consider yourself an advanced user, you should use Chapter 5 - The Beginning User to create your initial settings then, after you are more familiar with using Movie Cleaner, go on to Chapters 6 - 12 to learn how to modify settings, create new settings, monitor your compression, and use the various filters.
If you have lots of experience: If you are experienced with desktop video processing, you should go straight to Chapters 6 - 12. These chapters explain how to configure Movie Cleaner on your own. They also explain how to crop, rescale, monitor your compression, use the various filters, Suspend & Resume, and more.